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I believe exercise should enhance your life, not detract from it. I have witnessed over the years a​ fitness obsession myself included where working out became an end in itself. There were motto’s that were catchy like, ‘no pain, no gain’ or, ‘go hard or go home’ that became the consensus among fitness enthusiasts. 


This unfortunately led to the masses and even trainers (me included) who knew better to strive for more weights and more repetitions while dismissing breakdown in their technique. People were certainly getting more fit however it came at a cost.


People would end up being incredibly sore and even trying to sit on the toilet would be torture because their muscles were destroyed from their workout. They were lucky because others would suffer joint pain but with a ‘do or die’ mentality people would wear these like badges of honour. 


I used to be exactly like that and despite being a trainer with mobility the whole fitness industry is envious of I had nagging joint pain. Over the years I’ve been on a constant journey to find the best methods of exercise to become stronger, become conditioned and more mobile without the negative ramifications. 


My aim is to educate how to train in a way that will enhance your life. I want to make you move good that will make you feel good and just so happens to make you look good as well. 


Over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates said, ‘Let food be thy medicine’ to which I whole heartedly agree. I say, ‘Let exercise be thy medicine’.

Perseverance & Performance is about a way of training that improves your strength, mobility, and conditioning in and out of the gym while feeling good. Our goal is for you to be able to function at a high level even if you’re over one hundred years old. 


Who Am I?

My name is Dat Do and my journey began as an overweight teenager weighing in at 110kgs. I could barely run 100 metres before running out of gas. That all changed when I attended, ‘Big Camp’ at Lord Somers Camp where I was met with a week of physically and mentally demanding challenges. 


One such challenge was a 7km cross country run to which out of 100 other participants I was coming last within the first 100 metres (no surprises there). I remember my group leader, hung back with me to help me out. I remember he gave me a tip to relax my shoulders amongst other cues, so I could go the distance. 

Somehow, I managed to slug my way through a wide array of terrain. I still remember towards the end of the race, stepping off the road onto the curb felt like a gigantic step-up. I recall the last kilometre was a beach sand run which compounded the misery I was in but at this point my team leader was still with me the entire time. I was running with another participant who was struggling just like me. Many other participants had already finished and circled back to run with me as well to help push the stragglers forward. 


I vividly recall the last segment of the race was a set of stairs higher than my head taking me off the beach onto the campgrounds. At this point I had a dozen people running with me encouraging me on. I was already dying and those set of stairs nearly killed me. 


What happened next was the most profound, life changing moment of my life. The whole entire camp was there, staff, participants and even the Slushies (guys that ran the activities and made your life hell) and they were cheering me on.


From the brink of death, I felt this surge of energy ignite my body to which I began an all-out sprint to finish the last 100 metres of the race with as much intensity as if at the Olympics. I burst past the finish line in disbelief, surprised at myself. 


From that point on my perception of what I believed to be possible changed. It gave me hope and belief in myself to change for the better. It made me realise that what we can achieve alone versus with people rooting for us will make the world of difference.  That is what began my fitness journey. 


Since that point I have been consumed by what I can do to be healthier and more fit. I’ve been training people ever since I got into fitness. I had to share what I learnt. In my life I have made many mistakes. I’ve swung too far being unhealthily obsessed with training and nutrition. There was no balance. Exercise consumed my life instead of enhancing it and I’ve experienced burnout. I have quit in the past and suffered injuries. I could go on for ages about my past failures which is beyond the scope of this bio. 


Therefore I chose the word, ‘perseverance’ in the business name because it’s a word that perfectly encapsulates my life thus far. 


Experiencing both ends of the spectrum I have been refining my training for myself and clients where so that it works for us instead of being slaves to it. I want every human to move well, train properly and benefit from the power of exercise. 


  • Currently Studying a Master of Physiotherapy at Victoria University

  • Bachelor of Exercise Science (Clinical Practice) at Victoria University

  • Strength System International Certificate Level 1,2 & 3 

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (International Sports Science Association)

  • Certified Instructor at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu University

  • Boxing for Life Trainer Level 1 & 2

  • Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness

  • First Aid & CPR

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